• Solar powered laptop-style touchscreen, the Lifebook Leaf

  • Lifebook-Leaf.jpg
    At times, the things you really wish for seem the farthest out of reach, like the Lifebook Leaf for example. This impressive gadget will never hit store shelves and will always remain a concept design, and we can’t stop wishing for it to be mass produced. And this hunger for this gadget has sprouted up, owing to the fact that it’s one of the greenest ways to computing we’ve come across till date. Essentially a touch screen that folds in half, giving it the shape of a traditional laptop, with the lower end turning into a touch-keyboard, the Lifebook Leaf sports a large solar panel on its back that soaks in energy from the sun to power on this device. A dedicated OLED screen gives information regarding level of charge too and new messages and such just like the outer screen of a flap mobile phone.

    And to keep it away from the elements, particularly water, this one also has a zip-on case. We sure know what we’re going to ask Santa this Christmas!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on May 9, 2011