Washington D.C. to have 363 PepsiCo Dream Machines swallowing up empty cans and bottles
We’ve heard of PepsiCo’s Dream Machines before. These machines swallow old cans and bottles and pop out some pretty interesting rewards, ensuring that consumers dispose of empty soft-drink containers in the right way. Now PepsiCo has joined hands with the capitol city, Washington D.C. and has set up a partnership that will bring in 363 Dream Machines into the downtown area. The kiosks offer rewards in the form of discount coupons for Dominos, Johnny Rockets, and Marriott hotels. Also, D.C. will receive normal-looking recycling bins by PepsiCo that, instead of giving out rewards, will donate cash to the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities.
A great way to ensure proper disposal of cans and bottles, the Dream Machine will sure keep a pile of trash away from landfills.