• GE WattStation home-based EV charger takes just 4 to 8 hours to juice electric car

  • GE.jpgCharging up your electric car at home won’t be so much of a time consuming task now. You probably wouldn’t have to think twice while investing in an electric car now either, with a residential EV charger, like the one GE just unveiled. The GE WattStation, a device we came across some time ago coupled with GE’s Nucleus energy monitoring system, is a residential version of public EV chargers that changes it all, reducing the amount of time required to charge electric cars at home, and juicing them up speedily. Normal home-based EV chargers can take up to 12-18 hours to have that green eco-friendly electric car of yours all juiced up. The GE WattStation takes as less as 4 to 6 hours to do the job, fully charging a 24 kWh battery.

    Now for technology as sweet and quick as this, you do have to spend the big bucks too. The GE WattStation will cost you somewhere between $1,000 and $1,500 per unit, though for its advantages, it’s all worth it!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: on October 5, 2010