• South Carolina’s largest solar tracker producing 22.5kW of energy

  • largest-solar-tracker-1.jpg
    The largest solar tracker to ever show up in South Carolina is here, set up by German based company, IMO. And when we say large, this one’s huge! It covers an area of a whole 1,614 square feet, standing around 53 feet tall. It boasts a performance rating of 22.5kW and is intelligent too, automatically turning to face the brightest side of the sun while soaking in solar juice. The tracker can, on an annual basis, generate a whopping 42,000kWh of energy, about the same that would have found its way on the grid by burning up some 34,000lbs of coal, and producing clouds and clouds of dirty black smoke that throttles our environment.

    This one is powerful enough to supply four homes with clean renewable energy and offset 87,000lbs of Co2. We sure would mind having such a huge solar tracker in our backyard though!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on December 13, 2010